What the World Needs Now

Have you ever had someone in your life (friend, family member, co-worker, etc.) ask you about the delicious-looking healthy meal that you’re eating?  Maybe they asked you for your advice for a more natural way to wash their hair?  They’ve noticed that you’ve been pursuing a more natural lifestyle and it’s piqued their interest.  They are hungry for information!

Doesn’t it feel great when someone asks you for your input to help them on their path to wellness?  I know it does for me.  I get a small but noticeable ‘leap’ in my heart.  That’s the best way for me to describe it.   I honestly think that one of the main reasons we are here on this planet is to help others as much as we can.  If you can teach people about being healthier it gives them some options…something to think about.  You are able to plant a seed and help it to grow.

Some people feel like they’re not able to impart any of their knowledge until they are an ‘expert’.  Before they help others, they need to know everything about everything about being healthy, as well as be in the best physical and mental shape of their lives.  So untrue!  While we should all continue to strive to be our unique best selves, we don’t need to be ‘perfect’ before we help others.  This was a recent revelation for me.  As someone who struggles with self-confidence in general, I thought ‘who am I to suggest ways to be healthier to others, when I’m not the picture of health myself’?

But you know more than you think!  I’ve found that when I’ve been asked for tips/suggestions by others, the information that I’ve learned here and there over the years just came pouring out like a faucet.  I may not know everything about everything (yet!), but I do know a lot about some things.  And I’m passionate about continually learning and sharing those things with others.

So go out there and share what you know!  Please don’t hold back because you feel you’re ‘not ready’ yet.  If not now, then when?  The world needs people who want to help others…now more than ever!

Have a lovely Sunday!


One thought on “What the World Needs Now

  1. “Yet” I learned is one of the most empowering words in the English( even cajun English) language. It emplys “hope” …I may not have my answers “yet,” but if I keep searching , I will find serenity.


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